Barber-Scotia College


Dear Community and Alumni,

For over a century, Barber-Scotia College has been guided by the principles of “Lumen Veritas et Utilitas” (Knowledge, Truth, and Service). Emphasizing the value of service, we invite you to volunteer at our esteemed four-year liberal arts HBCU College.

Barber-Scotia College is dedicated to preparing young adults for the workforce through education in Business Entrepreneurship, Religion, and Renewable Energy.

Do you possess carpentry, fundraising, technology, phone, or painting skills? We would greatly appreciate your expertise and contribution to our college community.

Moreover, we encourage you to consider joining one of our event committees. This presents an excellent opportunity to develop valuable team-building and leadership skills while contributing to a worthy cause.

We warmly welcome individuals from all walks of life, and we are actively seeking professors, lecturers, and instructors in various disciplines.

If time constraints prevent you from volunteering, you can still make a meaningful impact by offering a financial gift donation. Your generosity will be immensely appreciated.

To get involved or to request more information about becoming a volunteer, please reach out to us at (704) 789-2900 or email

Volunteering not only benefits the community but can also positively impact your own life. Make it a family affair and bring your loved ones along to join the cause.

Barber-Scotia College is counting on your support, and together, we can make a real difference.