Barber-Scotia College

Bachelor of Science in Religion (BSR)

The Bachelor of Science in Religion program at Barber-Scotia is meticulously designed to meet the diverse needs and demands of aspiring ministry leaders in various capacities. In today’s multifaceted ministry landscape, comprehensive education plays a pivotal role in equipping individuals with the essential skills and knowledge required for effective service.

Program Philosophy:
At Barber-Scotia, we understand that ministry encompasses a wide spectrum of roles and responsibilities. Our BSR program is strategically crafted to address this diversity by providing a holistic education that caters to the varied needs of ministry leaders.

Curriculum Overview:
The BSR program stands as a testament to our commitment to Christian education and ministry preparation. It offers a comprehensive array of studies covering biblical studies, theology, evangelism, and various other crucial topics essential for individuals aspiring to serve in ministry roles.

Key Areas of Study:
Through our curriculum, students foster a profound understanding of foundational principles, delving into subjects such as:

  • Biblical Studies:Exploring the Scriptures, biblical interpretation, and the historical context of the Bible.
  • Theology: Examining theological doctrines, understanding theological perspectives, and grappling with critical theological questions.
  • Evangelism: Equipping individuals with the skills and strategies for effective outreach and evangelistic endeavors.
  • Christian Ministry: Understanding the dynamics of ministry leadership, pastoral care, and church administration.

Benefits of the Program:
Our BSR program not only prepares individuals for roles within the ministry field but also serves as a valuable asset for those seeking to enhance their credentials in their current ministry positions. The depth and breadth of religious studies offered in our program empower students to engage deeply with the Word of God and apply these teachings in practical ministry contexts.

The Bachelor of Science in Religion program at Barber-Scotia stands as a cornerstone for aspiring ministry leaders, providing a robust educational foundation rooted in Christian principles. With a curriculum focused on biblical studies, theology, evangelism, and diverse areas of ministry, our program aims to equip individuals to impact the world for Christ and serve effectively in various facets of Christian ministry.