Barber-Scotia College

Mission | Vision | Values

Mission Statement

The Mission of Barber-Scotia College, through its quality academic and training programs in a Christian setting, is to produce creative, innovative, and lifelong learners. Our students will benefit from a traditional academic degree and a skills-based education that is inclusive, affordable, and accessible, allowing them to be major players in a global marketplace. 

[Approved and Adopted by the Board of Trustees, 2024]

Vision Statement

We envision Barber-Scotia College as a premier institution of higher learning that is committed to preparing students for success in a global society. Graduates will be productive citizens, and many will be known globally for their great contributions to humanity and society. 

Core Values


Barber-Scotia College is committed to doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. It’s about being honest and transparent in all business dealings, and putting the College’s interests above personal gain.


Barber-Scotia College is committed to cultivating the spiritual gifts within each student, staff, faculty, and community member, that each might be better equipped to serve others. It’s about focusing on the human soul absent of the physical or material.

Critical Thinking 

Barber-Scotia College promotes looking at things objectively, thinking critically, and making informed decisions. It involves questioning assumptions and looking for evidence before making a judgment.


Barber-Scotia College creates a supportive environment where everyone feels like they belong, regardless of their background, skills, or experience. It’s about valuing and respecting the unique perspectives and contributions of all students, staff, faculty, and community.


Barber-Scotia College promotes innovation that  pushes past the status quo and coming up with bold, progressive ideas. It’s about challenging traditional methods and finding new ways of thinking, learning, and doing.